This is ORANGE BIRD, a stream of consciousness drawing I did back in 2013, which still remains very special to me.
2013 was a terrible year for me and my loved ones. This was the very first drawing that I did after months of nothing. I just grabbed my sketchbook and tried to clear my mind while keeping the pen moving. I did not do any pencil under-drawing, tried not to spend any time on planning my next move, and I refused to consider any strike of the pen a mistake.. all there is, is what emerged on paper.
It was first a woman's face, then a skull, then a tree.. and as I worked on this something happened..
Somehow after making this, things started slowly to look up and I feel like this image was somehow responsible for a lot of it. Even now when I look at it, it seems to fill me with strength and hope and calmness, and I have been surrounding myself with it since.
Available on ETSY and REDBUBBLE


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